
Schnapps is a word that's familiar to bartenders everywhere, usually in conjunction with "peach" and "lemonade". It's often applied to low-strength, single flavour liqueurs that sit at odds with the ancient German schnapps tradition, but I think there's a sense in which bartenders tend to confuse quality with alcoholic strength. What Wikipedia refers to as American schnapps tend to offer an easy way to introduce a specific flavour into a drink along with some sweetness without pushing the booze content through the roof. This post is in no way related to the realization that we've got seven bottles of various flavours sitting in the cellar at Sygn that might be more useful if we tried, y'know, selling them.

The upshot was we got to spend the afternoon playing with combinations of flavour - some classic, some a little less conventional - and getting reacquainted with a couple of bottles that are usually left on the shelf.

Of everything we tried, this was my favourite:


37.5ml 42 Below Honey
12.5ml chocolate schnapps
12.5ml lemon juice
1 barspoon sugar syrup
1 dash egg white
2 dashes Angostura Bitters

Shake all ingredients with ice and fine-strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Add three drops of bitters as a garnish.